 15 apunts Miquel Coll Eva Carasol Roberto Ruiz

View of the exhibition ‘Notes for an Eye Fire’. Photo: Eva Carasol, Miquel Coll and Roberto Ruiz.

Panorama 21: Notes for an Eye Fire” at the MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, on view until 27 February 2022

Exhibition website
Installation views
Social networks archive
Exhibition brochure (pdf)

The exhibition “Notes for an Eye Fire” brings together new and recent productions by 17 participants based in and around Barcelona, presenting painting, sculpture, works on paper, video installation, performance, photography and textiles.

With the participation of Ana Domínguez, El Palomar, Laia Estruch, Arash Fayez, Antoni Hervàs, Rasmus Nilausen, nyamnyam with Pedro Pineda, Claudia Pagès, Aleix Plademunt, Marria Pratts, Stella Rahola Matutes, Eulàlia Rovira, Ruta de autor, Adrian Schindler, Rosa Tharrats, Gabriel Ventura and Marc Vives.

Notes for an Eye Fire” is the first edition of Panorama, a new series of triennial transdisciplinary projects dedicated to deepen the museum's collaboration with local artists and cultural agents. Curated by Hiuwai Chu and Latitudes, and coordinated by Berta Cervantes.

Follow: #PanoramaMACBA #apuntsperaunincendidelsulls

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 5v Ocells perduts 530v RobertoRuiz Miquel Coll

“Ocells perduts” (Stray Birds), 2021, by Laia Estruch. Photos: Miquel Coll and Roberto Ruiz.

Activities in 2022

The public programme of Notes for an Eye Fire includes guided tours, performative walkthroughs, sung guided tours, workshops, open rehearsals and discussions.

13 January 2022, 6 pm: Let's talk about...Passió i cartografía per a un incendi dels ulls, a sung guided tour by Gabriel Ventura and Pere Martínez.

29 January 2022, 10 am: Systematurgy of A quatre potes (On Four Legs). Open discussion with nyamnyam and Pedro Pineda, Lídia Guitart, Curro Claret, Ingrid Guardiola, and workshop participants.

29 January 2022, 6:30 pm: Open rehearsal of Ocells perduts (2021) by Laia Estruch.

26 February 2022, 6:30 pm: Open rehearsal of Ocells perduts (2021) by Laia Estruch.

Every Sunday, 12 pm: Guided tour of the exhibition by pli-é collective.

Free admission. Limited capacity. Booking required.



Project updates, research and news

Cover Story, January 2022: “Rasmus’ Doubts”, 2 Jan 2022
Episode #17 of “Incidents (of Travel)” from Riga, Latvia, 28 Dec 2021
Cover Story, December 2021: Between Meier & Meller, 1 Dec 2021
Premios de la 5a edición del Dart Festival, 30 nov 2021
Actividades de “Apuntes para un incendio de los ojos” 15 nov 2021
Cover Story, November 2021: Notes for an Eye Fire, 2 Nov 2021


41°23′N 2°11′E

In 2005 Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna founded Latitudes, a curatorial office based in Barcelona working internationally across contemporary art practices.

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