Seven artists are currently exhibiting in Madrid or Córdoba with works produced, presented or derived from their original presentation in the group exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” that took place at MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, between October 2021 and February 2022, curated by Hiuwai Chu and Latitudes.
Rosa Tharrats opened her first solo exhibition at Galería Ehrhardt Flórez in Madrid. Titled “Theta Wave” (until July 3, 2022) it presents a new installation made with her signature materials, including recycled textiles and clothes, bioplastics, sponges, nets or stones, and is complemented with a suite of framed drawings and a sculpture made with discarded marble pieces intersected with fabrics. The text accompanying Rosa’s exhibition is written by another Panorama participant, Gabriel Ventura, whose performative action and poem “Passió i cartografia per a un incendi dels ulls” titled the small book published as the colophon of the exhibition.
The next show at Galería Ehrhardt Flórez will be a solo by Panorama participant Laia Estruch, coinciding with Apertura Madrid Gallery Weekend that inaugurates the 2022–23 season.
View of Rosa Tharrats’ exhibition “Theta Wave” at Galería Ehrhardt Flórez, Madrid. Photos: Latitudes.
On the middle top of the Madrid installation, we recognised an orange bioplastic piece she was working on during our visit to her Cadaqués studio a year ago (see below).
(Above and three below) Installation view of “Akaal / Selene \ Uluru” (2021) in the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photos: Roberto Ruiz / MACBA. Adrian Schindler, Arash Fayez and Laia Estruch participate in “Si las palabras hablaran” (If words could talk), an exhibition curated by Ludovica Bulciolu, Laura Castro and Emily Markert, that culminates the third edition of the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo’s curatorial residencies in Spain. Originally premiered in July 2021 at The Green Parrot, Adrian Schindler’s series of posters “The roles (notes for a film)” (2021–ongoing) is part of his ongoing research tracing Morocco’s colonial past in Spanish society, which culminates in his film trilogy “Tetuan, Tetuán, Tetwan”, whose first part was premièred at MACBA, and has been produced with the support of the Department de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Casa de Velázquez and the Centre national des arts plastiques in Paris, with the collaboration of 2deo.
View of Adrian Schindler’s “The roles (notes for a film)”, 2021–ongoing. Poster series. Dimensions variable. Photo: Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo.
(Above and three below) Installation view of Adrian Schindler’s “Tetuan, Tetuán, تطوان” in the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photos: Roberto Ruiz / MACBA.
Besides the installation “Constellation” (2021–ongoing) Arash Fayez presents “Anecdotes From the Elsewhere” a performance developed alongside “Anecdotes to be forgotten” which was presented in MACBA on December 9, 2021, alongside his works “Apolis” (2014-18/2021) and “Limbo” (2018-2021).
Arash Fayez during his performance “Anecdotes to be forgotten” on December 9, 2021, for the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photo: Latitudes.
(Above and two below) View of Arash Fayez’s “Apolis” (2014-18/2021) and “Limbo” (2018-2021) in the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photo: Roberto Ruiz / MACBA.
Laia Estruch presents “Mixtape” (2022) and the performance “Improvisation #1” in “Si las palabras hablaran”, Madrid. She recently performed “Ocells perduts V67” in Sotos de la Albolafia, Córdoba, as part of “The Journeying Stream” (3–5 June 2022), a three-day event jointly convened by TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary and TBA21–Academy. The Córdoba performance derived from “Ocells perduts” (2021) commissioned for MACBA’s exhibition and produced with the support of PUBLICS, Helsinki.
(Above and three below) Laia Estruch performing “Ocells perduts V67” in Sotos de la Albolafia, Córdoba, 5 June 2022, as part of “The Journeying Stream” (3–5 June 2022), a three-day event jointly convened by TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary and TBA21–Academy. Photos: Fernando Sendra | TBA21.
Claudia Pagès just opened the solo show “Abajo el puerto suena nino-nino, y yo arriba pipí” at The RYDER in Madrid, where the centrepiece is the video installation “Gerundio Circular” (2021), a 14-minute, 360º film presented on a circular LED screen which was commissioned for “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” and co-produced with ELAMOR. On view until July 30, 2022.
(Above and below) View of Claudia Pagès’s “Gerundi Circular” (2021) in the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photos: Roberto Ruiz/MACBA.
(Above and seven below) Installation views of Claudia Pagès’s exhibition “Abajo el puerto suena nino-nino, y yo arriba pipí” at The RYDER, Madrid, 9 June–30 July 2022. Photos: Pablo Gomez-Ogando.
Aleix Plademunt’s “Matter”, his most comprehensive solo show to date, is on view until July 24, 2022, at Sala Canal Isabel II as part of PHotoEspaña 2022. As Elena Vozmediano noted in her review, a selection of 18 large prints were originally premiered in MACBA’s exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls”.
(Above and below) Installation view of Aleix Plademunt’s “Matter” (2013–2021) in the exhibition “Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” at MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 2021–February 2022. Photo: Aleix Plademunt (above) and Roberto Ruiz (below).
(Above and five below) Installation view of Aleix Plademunt’s “Matter” in the exhibition “Matter” at Sala Canal Isabel II, Madrid, 2022. Photos: Aleix Plademunt.
Besides the 96-page exhibition catalogue (aptly titled “Antimatter”), Aleix has edited the long-anticipated book “Matter” co-published by Ca l’Isidret (the editorial platform he has run since 2011 with Juan Diego Valera and Roger Guaus) and Spector Books. The 640-page volume gathers nine years of work, part of which unfolds in the exhibition, and has included fieldwork in Iceland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Holland, Iran, Japan, Mexico, the United States, Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Bolivia. Aleix Plademunt (Ed.) “Matter” co-published by Ca l’Isidret and Spector Books, May 2022, ISBN 978-84-121090-6-1. Photos: Aleix Plademunt.

- Cover Story, April 2022: Mix & Match: Laia Estruch at PUBLICS, 1 Apr 2022
- Nueva publicación: “Passió i cartografia per a un incendi dels ulls” (MACBA, 2022), 2 Mar 2022
- Cover Story, March 2022: The passion of Gabriel Ventura, 1 March 2022
- Cobertura en los medios sobre la exposición ‘’Panorama 21. Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls” en el MACBA, 21 Feb 2022
- Cover Story, February 2022: Rosa Tharrats’ Textile Alchemy, 1 Feb 2022
- Cover Story, January 2022: “Rasmus’ Doubts”, 2 Jan 2022
- Cover Story, December 2021: Between Meier and Meller: Toni and Pau at the Teatre Arnau, 1 Dec 2021
- Programa público de “Apuntes para un incendio de los ojos”, MACBA, hasta el 27 febrero 2022, 15 Nov 2021
- Cover Story, November 2021: Notes for an Eye Fire, 2 Nov 2021
- Opening of the exhibition "Notes for an Eye Fire" at MACBA, 21 Oct 2021
- Latitudes’ "out of office" 2020-21 season, 2 August 2021
- Cover Story–July 2021: a wide view from a fixed point, 2 Jul 2021
- Press Release: Co-curators of the exhibition “Panorama 21: Notes For An Eye Fire”, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 22 October 2021–27 February 2022, 9 Feb 2021