
64°9′0″N, 21°53′0″W

 5 IOT9 Reykjavik MED

Episode #9—Incidents (of Travel) from Reykjavík. Photos: Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir.

Editors: ‘Incidents (of Travel)’ dispatch from Reykjavík, Iceland. Narrated by curator Becky Forsythe and itinerary devised and documented by artist Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir


In the ninth 'Incidents (of Travel)' dispatch curator Becky Forsythe and artist Þorgerður Ólafsdóttir navigate Reykjavík's surroundings through Icelandic Spar (a form of transparent calcite), its double refraction and light-polarizing properties.

Edited by Latitudes
Produced by KADIST

4 reviews small

Recent reviews published on frieze magazine and art agenda.


Mariana Cánepa Luna, ‘Te toca a tí!’ [It's your turn!], Espai d'art contemporani de Castelló, Art Agenda, 7 January 2019.

Max Andrews, ‘Picture Industry: A Provisional History of the Technical Image’, LUMA Arlès, frieze.com, 20 December 2018.

Max Andrews, ‘From Antic Assemblages to Cartoonish Canvases, Pere Llobera’s Stylistic Gambles’, Bombon Projects and Sis Galeria, frieze.com, 13 November 2018.

Mariana Cánepa Luna, ‘London Roundup’, art-agenda.com, 12 October 2018.



Cover Story–February 2019 1 Feb 2019
Performance at La Model prison by Joan Morey 21 Jan 2019
Prensa sobre el proyecto COLAPSO de Joan Morey 31 Dic 2018
"TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" by Joan Morey 10 Dec 2018
"Treasures! exhibitionism! showmanship!" 1 Dec 2018
Trip to Vienna Art Week & Amsterdam Art Weekend 28 Nov 2018


41°23′N 2°11′E

Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna co-direct the Barcelona-based curatorial office Latitudes since 2005.

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