Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Proyecto producido por Jorge Satorre para 'Portscapes' (2009) expuesto en la exposición colectiva 'Fat Chance to Dream', Maisterravalbuena, Madrid

Jorge Satorre, 'The Erratic. Measuring Compensation’ (2009–10).
Cortesía del artista y Labor, México DF.

El próximo 2 abril,
la galería Maisterravalbuena inaugura la exposición 'Fat Chance to Dream', comisariada por Tania Pardo con motivo de la iniciativa Jugada a 3 bandas. La exposición incluye dos guaches (véase arriba) de Jorge Satorre, producidos en el contexto de 'Portscapes', la serie de proyectos producidos con motivo de la ampliación del puerto de Rotterdam, Holanda, encargados por la autoridad portuaria en el 2009 y comisariados por Latitudes.

A continuación una sección del texto de Mariana Cánepa Luna de Latitudes sobre el proyecto, recientemente publicado en el catálogo de la exposición 'Antes que todo':

"...Éste es el caso del proyecto ‘The Erratic. Measuring Compensation’ (2009–10) realizado en el contexto de una serie de proyectos iniciados con motivo de la ampliación del puerto de Róterdam, Holanda. En una granja en Erica, al norte del país, Satorre encontró un bloque errático [1] de 3 toneladas que se desplazó hasta allí durante la última glaciación. Después de un largo y complejo proceso de trámites y análisis geológicos, Satorre lo devolvió al sur de Suecia, de donde vino originalmente según el estudio científico. Este ‘gesto geológico al inverso’ se convierte en un acto de restitución simbólica dadas las complejas medidas de compensación medioambiental que se están implementando en la ampliación de puerto, así como el uso de cinco millones de toneladas de bloques escandinavos que se están utilizando para la construcción de nuevos diques. En la exposición del proyecto Satorre presentó dos dibujos a modo de storyboards del viaje de la piedra a su nuevo emplazamiento y un dibujo a modo de guión con ‘gestos compensatorios’ que han tenido lugar en la historia."

El proyecto se presentó recientemente en Labor, México DF, aunque es la primera vez que se presenta en España.

Entrada blog del proyecto | Galería de fotos | Cronología 'Portscapes'
'Making of' del proyecto (video de Het Kader):

[1] “En geología, un bloque errático es cualquier material movido por fuerzas geológicas de un lugar a otro, generalmente por un glaciar. Los «erráticos» toman su nombre de la palabra latina errare, y fueron transportados por el hielo de los glaciares, a menudo a distancias de cientos de kilómetros, quedando depositados cuando se fundió el hielo.” www.wikipedia.es
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Latitudes' "out of office" photo album 2008-9

As the 2008–9 artistic cycle turns for many towards a holiday exodus and 'out of office' autoresponders, below is a selection of some unseen and 'behind the scenes' moments from our projects since last summer.

A big thank you to everyone involved in our 2008-9 projects y felices vacaciones!


(Three images above): Mariana with Lawrence Weiner during the installation of Lawrence Weiner's exhibition 'THE CREST OF A WAVE' at the Fundació Suñol, Barcelona, in October–November 2008; during the press conference; Lawrence, Latitudes and Fundació Suñol team (Sergi Aguilar, Maga Ruiz, Xavier De Luca, Mireia Arnau and Jaume Brunet) photographed by Pierre-Jean Moulis after tossing a horseshoe upon the crest of a wave.

16–19 October 2008: presentation of the Danish artist Tue Greenfort 'transparent' bins outside Frieze Art Fair, London, commissioned by the Royal Society of Arts' 'Arts & Ecology' programme.

5–9 November 2008: Leaving the 'X, Y, etc!' Videolounge in Artissima Art Fair, Torino, Italy; admiring the phenomenal long table arrangement Artissima dinner hosted at the equally phenomenal Venaria Reale.

November 2008: fourth visit to Rotterdam – evening boat trip with some of 'Portscapes' artists, site visit to the port with the Port of Rotterdam's Sjaak Poppe (Hans Schabus and Roman Keller alongside) and discussions in Marjolijn Dijkman's studio (Roman Keller and Christina Hemauer – with Ilana Halperin on Skype)

November 2008: ‘La, la, la, la: on winning and losing’ co-curator Aimar Arriola arranging a work with artist Verónica Aguilera and (below) selecting images with Fermín Jimenez Landa and Oriol Vilanova.

8 February 2009: SKOR curator Theo Tegelaers and Jan Dibbets during the filming of Jan Dibbets' '6 Hours Tide Object with Correction of Perspective'; some of 'Portscapes' artists including Bik Van der Pol and Marjolijn Dijkman visit the beach while waiting for the tide to go up; Christiane Bosman (SKOR press coordinator) and curator Theo Tegelaers from SKOR at 'Portscapes' during Art Rotterdam opening evening.

18 February 2009: Vena (por la) talk with (the then) Walker Art Center associate curator Doryun Chong (now Associate Curator at MoMA in New York).

April 2009: The Associació d'Art Crítics de Catalunya awards Fundació Suñol for their exhibition programme (Latitudes-curated projects Lawrence Weiner's 'THE CREST OF THE WAVE' and the Land Art film programme 'A Stake in the Mud, A Hole in the Reel. Land Art's Expanded Field, 1968–2008' were part of this season). 

(7 images above): First Neapolitan lunch with Simon Fujiwara and Jordi Mitjà on May 8, 2009: deep-fried maccheroni; Erick Beltrán installing during 'Provenances', Umberto di Marino, Naples; preparing Simon's 'Museum of incest'; subtitling session with Nicoletta Daldanise; delightful Sicilian cuisine at Umberto's house, documenting Erick's work during the opening night and audience during Simon's performance 'The Museum of Incest: A Guided Tour' (publication here).

(5 above): Arrival day in Beijing on May 18, 2009, with Ignasi Aballí; laying out the Barcelona posters for 'Scenic viewpoints'; (around 3.30am...) installation of 'Nothing, or Something' at Yintai Centre with Suitcase Art Projects artistic director Carol Yinghua Lu and Ignasi; checking the vinyl is straight with Ignasi ('El País' always at hand) and a quiet conversation with Carol on the escalators.

(3 Above): During the installation of 'The Garden of Forking Paths', Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, May 2009; installation instructions for Rosalind Nashashibi & Lucy Skaer's photographic pieces and post-opening beer landscape at Maisterravalbuena office, 29 May 2009.

15 June 2009: Hans Schabus, Port of Rotterdam team and curators mulling over the location options for Hans's photo shoot of his 'Portscapes' project 'Europahaven, Port of Rotterdam, 17 Juni 2009'.

24–28 June 2009 (2 above): At our temporary office during the non-profit festival 'No Soul for Sale', in New York [Note Michael Jackson's 'breaking news' on screen!].

The Bruce High Quality Foundation in full (we are indebted to them for their fantastic 1983 Burger King set up)

(3 above) Installing Graham Gussin work during 'Sequelism Part 3. Possible, Probable or Preferable futures' in Arnolfini, Bristol (July 2009); hanging around with participating artists Francesc Ruiz and Haegue Yang as well as Nav Haq (Arnolfini curator) before dinner; and knitting lessons from Haegue at Arnolfini's bar.

[All photos: Latitudes | www.lttds.org]
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'El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan' prorrogada hasta 31 Julio | 'The Garden of Forking Paths' exhibition extended until 31 July

 Installation view of 'CMYK Floral' (2007) by Leslie Hewitt y Matt Keegan. Courtesy of the artists.

| UK |

The exhibition 'The Garden of Forking Paths' at Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, has been extended until the Friday 31 July.

'The Garden of Forking Paths' brings together the work of five artist-duos to consider duality, simultaneity, saturation and proliferation. Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick present two works ('Untitled' (2007) and 'The pleasure of moving from place to place' (2008)) which affirm the fundamentally illusory nature of photography. ‘The Infinite Library’ (2007–ongoing), two books from which are presented here, is an expanding, seemingly arbitrary archive by Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda inspired in part by the writings of Borges. huber.huber’s monochromatic series ‘dark grounds’ (2007-8) juxtaposes photojournalism and wildlife studies replicate the dislocation so crucial to Surrealism while offering a portentous and uncertain wilderness. Leslie Hewitt & Matt Keegan’s 'CMYK Floral' (2007) consists of the presentation of weekly monochromatic flower arrangements, corresponding in sequence with the inks used in four colour printing. Nashashibi/Skaer present eighteen photographs from the installation 'Pygmalion Workshop' (2008) inspired by the myth of Pygmalion in which he sculpts an ivory figure which is brought to life by Aphrodite to become his lover.

Download the press release from here. To see images of the exhibition click here.

'Dark grounds' (2007–8) de huber.huber. Photo: Latitudes
| ES |

La exposición 'El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan' en Maisterravalbuena, Madrid, se ha prorrogado hasta el viernes 31 Julio. 'El jardín de senderos que se bifurcan' reúne la obra de cinco parejas de artistas y reflexiona sobre la dualidad, la simultaneidad, la saturación y la proliferación.

Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick presentan dos obras ['Untitled' (2007) y 'The pleasure of moving from place to place' (2008)] que afirman la fundamentalmente ilusoria naturaleza de la fotografía. 'The Infinite Library' (2007–en curso), cuyos dos libros que se presentan aquí, es un archivo aparentemente arbitrario en expansión de Daniel Gustav Cramer y Haris Epaminonda, inspirado en parte por los escritos de Borges. La selección monocromática 'dark grounds' (2007–8) de huber.huber yuxtapone imágenes de periodismo fotográfico y estudios de la vida silvestre replicando la técnica de dislocación tan crucial para el Surrealismo. 'CMYK Floral' (2007) de Leslie Hewitt y Matt Keegan consiste en la presentación semanal de un arreglo floral monocromático, correspondiendo con la secuencia de colores utilizados en la impresión a cuatro colores – cian, magenta, amarillo y negro. Nashashibi / Skaer presentan dieciocho fotografías de la instalación 'Pygmalion Workshop' (2008) inspiradas en el mito de Pigmalión, quien se enamoró de la figura de marfil que él mismo esculpió y a la que consecuentemente Afrodita dio la vida convirtiéndose en su amante.

Descargar nota de prensa aquí
Imágenes exposición aquí.

Doctor Fourquet 1
28012 Madrid, SPAIN
Opening: Mon-Fri 10-14;15.30-19.30; Sat 10-18pm
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Group exhibition 'The Garden of Forking Paths', MAISTERRAVALBUENA, Madrid, until 18 July

We have uploaded installation images [PHOTO GALLERY] of the group exhibition The Garden of Forking Paths, which opened last Thursday at MAISTERRAVALBUENA in Madrid and presents the work of Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick; The Infinite Library (Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda); huber.huber; Leslie Hewitt & Matt Keegan and Nashashibi/Skaer.

The exhibition considers
duality, simultaneity, saturation and proliferation. The exhibition pursues, on the one hand, the implications of two individuals working together as a single author-function and, on the other, operates alongside artwork concerned with the reproducibility of images. In part a hermeneutical maze – itself curated and hosted by duos (Latitudes and MAISTERRAVALBUENA, respectively) The Garden of Forking Paths highlights a condition where decisions and imagery are at least twice mediated.

The duos of the exhibition are each composed of different personal and professional dynamics – the artists are variously exclusive collaborators, related by birth, occasional accomplices, couples in life, and so on. Distinct from both generalised collaborative practice and the notion of the singular artistic genius, the duos’ model of creative production implies a constant state of questioning and a mistrust of consistency that is nevertheless a formalised partnership. Comprising works using editorial, photographic, sculptural, procedural, collage and appropriation techniques, The Garden of Forking Paths is concerned with such conditions in the context of the synthesis, modulation and reuse of images over time. + info...

Press release in Spanish and English the documentation archive.

See a slideshow of huber.huber's works in the exhibition here.

Doctor Fourquet 1
28012 Madrid  
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-14;15.30-19.30; Sat 10-18pm 

[All photos: Latitudes]
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Slideshows of two projects: 'Provenances' at Umberto di Marino and 'Nothing, or Something' at SUITCASE Art Projects Beijing

We have updated our web and uploaded images of two recent projects: 'Provenances' an exhibition at Umberto di Marino, Naples, and 'Nothing or Something', SUITCASE Art Projects, Beijing:

'Provenances' [PHOTO GALLERY] opened on May 14th at Umberto di Marino, Naples, and is composed of three specially-commissioned solo presentations by Erick Beltrán, Simon Fujiwara and Jordi Mitjà. The exhibition reflects on the heritage industry and the museumification of history, as well as the creation, transmission and fidelity of cultural worth. On view until 14 September+ info

Via Alabardieri 1
Piazza dei Martiri
80121 Napoli, ITALY
Opening hours: Mon-Sat 15–20h

Ignasi Aballí's new project [photo gallery here] for the eight windows of SUITCASE Art Projects responds to the retail context of the Yintai Centre as well as an artistic history of absence, nothingness and invisibility. + info

Suitcase Art Projects
Park Life, Beijing Yintai Centre, No. 2 Jianwai Dajie, 
Chaoyang District, Beijing, CHINA 
Opening Hours: 10am–10pm, Monday–Sunday

Please join us on Thursday 28th May 20h, at the opening of 'The Garden of Forking Paths', a group exhibition at Maisterravalbuena, Madrid. The exhibition brings together the work of Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick; The Infinite Library (Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda); huber.huber; Leslie Hewitt & Matt Keegan and Nashashibi/Skaer, five artist-duos to consider duality, simultaneity, saturation and proliferation. On view until 18 July 2009. + info

Doctor Fourquet 1
28012 Madrid
Opening: Mon-Fri 10-14;15.30-19.30; Sat 10-18pm

[Photos: Simon Fujiwara, 'The Museum of Incest', installation at 'Provenances', Courtesy of teh artist. Photo: Simon Fujiwara; Visitors seeing 'Scenic Views' by Ignasi Aballí and Daniel Gustav Gramer & Haris Epaminonda 'Book #7: Walther Haage, 'Das praktische Kakteenbuch in Farben', Neumann Verlag, Radebeul, 1966 & Tibor Déry, 'Der Balaton', Druckerei Kosuth, Budapest, 1968' Courtesy the artists. Below: huber.huber, 'Mikrouniversum und andere kleine Systeme IV', 2009. Courtesy the artists.]
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SAVE THE DATE: 14 and 28th May 2009, exhibitions in Naples and Madrid

In May 2009 Latitudes is curating two exhibitions: 'Provenances' (14 May–14 September) at Umberto di Marino in Naples and 'The Garden of Forking Paths' (28 May–18 July) at Maisterravalbuena in Madrid.

'The Garden of Forking Paths' will present the work of five artist-duos: Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick (1985 St. Catharines, Canada. 1985 Nuertingen, Germany. Both live in Frankfurt, Germany); Haris Epaminonda & Daniel Gustav Cramer (1980 Nicosia, Cyprus; 1975 Düsseldorf, Germany. Both live in Berlin, Germany); huber.huber (1975 Münsterlingen, Switzerland. Both live in Zurich, Switzerland); Leslie Hewitt & Matt Keegan (1977 Saint Albans, New York, USA; 1976 Manhasset, New York, USA. Both live in New York, USA) and Nashashibi/Skaer (1973 Croydon, UK; 1975 Cambridge, UK. Both live in London, UK). 'The Garden of Forking Paths' considers duality, simultaneity and proliferation in a context where the exhibition will be hosted and curated by duos (Maisterravalbuena [Pedro Maisterra & Belén Valbuena] and Latitudes [Max Andrews & Mariana Cánepa Luna], respectively).

Doctor Fourquet 1

28012 Madrid, SPAIN

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 11-14;16-20.30; Sat 11-14pm



 Simon Fujiwara's Museum of Incest.

'Provenances' will consist of three interlinked solo presentations with works by Erick Beltrán (1974 Mexico City, Mexico. Lives in Barcelona, Spain), Jordi Mitjà (1970 Figueres, Spain. Lives in Lladó, Spain) and Simon Fujiwara (1982, London, UK. Lives in Berlin, Germany/London, UK), and act as a reflection on the present and the past, the heritage industry and the museum-ification of culture.

Via Alabardieri 1, Piazza dei Martiri
80121 Napoli, ITALY

Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10.30-13.30;16-20h; Monday: 4-8pm

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