Tue, Nov 29 2022Gráfica del DART 2022 por COURE.
Dart Festival es el primer festival de cine documental dedicado al arte contemporáneo cuyo principal objetivo es entrelazar la cultura y el conocimiento a través de documentales sobre fotografía, comisariado de arte, pintura, performance, arquitectura, movimientos artísticos y, en general, sobre arte contemporáneo, prestando especial atención a los artistas, sus procesos de creación y las historias que hay detrás de sus trabajos.
Una edición más, Latitudes ha tenido el placer de formar parte del jurado del festival junto al crítico de cine Quim Casas y el periodista cultural Ianko López, quienes han decidido premiar a los siguientes documentales:
Premio Laie DART 2022 a la Mejor Dirección: “J’ai retrouvé Christian B.” (Francia, 2020, 87 min.) dirigida por Alain Fleischer. El documental recorre la relación de estos dos creadores contemporáneos, el artista Christian Boltanski y el cineasta Alain Fleischer, que compartieron amistad a lo largo de medio siglo. A través de un nutrido material documental que empieza en 1969 en blanco y negro y en 16mm, el film recorre la vida y obra de Boltanski desde su primera exposición en 1984 en el Centro Pompidou, hasta su tercera y última monográfica en el mismo museo en el 2019, dos años antes de su fallecimiento.
Poster del documental “The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art and Times of David Hammons”.
Premio Laie DART 2022 de la Crítica: “The Melt Goes On Forever: The Art and Times of David Hammons” (EEUU, 2021, 101 min.) que se proyecta mañana en el Auditori del MACBA – ver teaser. Dirigida por el periodista cultural Judd Tully y el cineasta Harold Crooks, el documental se centra en la escurridiza figura del artista afroamericano David Hammons, cuya práctica artística se extiende a lo largo de seis décadas poniendo en primer plano una crítica social en los Estados Unidos. Rodada a lo largo de 9 años, el documental registra el testimonio de los artistas Lorna Simpson y Fred Wilson, el historiador Robert Farris Thompson, los curadores Kellie Jones, Franklin Sirmans y Robert Storr y la galerista Dominique Lévy, entre otros, y se acompaña de material de archivo y animaciones realizadas por Tynehsa Foreman.
- Premios de la 5a edición del Dart Festival de cine documental sobre arte contemporáneo 2021, 30 Nov 2021
- Nominator, XI Premio Lorenzo Bonaldi per l’Arte – EnterPrize, GAMeC - Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Bergamo, Italy, 2021
- Premios de la 4a edición del Dart Festival de cine documental sobre arte contemporáneo 2020, 3 dic 2020
- Premios de la 3a edición del Dart Festival de cine documental sobre arte contemporáneo 2019, 1 Dec 2019
- Mariana Cánepa Luna vocal del jurado del Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2017 en el ámbito de las Artes Visuales, 1 Febrero 2018
- Jurado y equipo tutorial de Barcelona Producció 2017 – Anuncio de los proyectos ganadores, 25 Mayo 2017
- Jurado y equipo tutorial de BCN Producció 2016, La Capella, Barcelona, 2 Febrero 2016
- Latitudes-nominee artist Annette Kelm shortlisted for the Aimia | AGO Photography Prize 2015, 24 June 2015
- Resolución Convocatoria 2012 de Artes visuales y Tutorial de la Sala d'Art Jove, 7 Diciembre 2011
- Fallo Jurado Premios Casablancas 2008, 20 Junio, 20h 16 junio 2008
- Otros jurados – véase sección "About"
2022, Award, Barcelona, cinema, DART Festival, documentary, film, Jurado, jury, latitudes
Tue, Dec 10 2019
Production of '6 Hours of Tide Object with Correction of Perspective' (2009) by Jan Dibbets. Photo: Paloma Polo / SKOR.
The 8-minute film ‘6 Hours Tide Object with Correction of Perspective’ by Dutch artists Jan Dibbets is currently exhibited as part of "Fingers Crossed" (pdf, Spanish), a group exhibition opening December 14, 2019, curated by Blanca de la Torre and Sue Spaid, at ADN Platform in Sant Cugat (Barcelona), on view until April 4, 2020.
The film was produced in 2009 for ‘Portscapes’, the year-long programme producing ten new commissions in and around the Port of Rotterdam, The Netherlands, curated by Latitudes.
Gerry Schum's 1969 'Land Art' series of films screened on German public TV.
Jan Dibbets’ (1941) film was ‘Portscapes’ inaugural project and was filmed on February 8, 2009. Originally filmed 40 years earlier, in February 1969, in black and white and in 16 mm, it was titled ‘12 Hours Tide Object...’. The film was originally presented in 1969 as part of Gerry Schum's seminal 'Land Art' series of artists' films screened that same year on German public TV (this programme was included in Latitudes-curated touring film programme ‘A Stake in the Mud, A Hole in the Reel. Land Art’s Expanded Field 1968–2008’ which began at the Museo Tamayo in April 2008.)
The film presents the drawing of an isosceles trapezoid in the sand using a bulldozer – the shape consequently appears as a rectangle in the resultant film due to the angle of perspective. The new 2009 realisation was filmed 40 years later to the month on the beach of the Maasvlakte, an area that was soon after forever transformed with the construction of Maasvlakte 2 – a land reclamation project, realised between 2008 and 2013, that extended Europe's largest seaport and industrial area by 2,000 hectares.
The resulting 8 minute-long film was premiered at the FutureLand Information Centre of the Port of Rotterdam in June 2009 and during Latitudes’ participation in the New York festival NO SOUL FOR SALE – A Festival of Independents (24–28 June 2009).
Dibbets’ film presented as part of Latitudes’ participation in the festival NO SOUL FOR SALE – A Festival of Independents, New York, 24–28 June 2009. Photo: Latitudes.
‘6 Hours Tide Object with Correction of Perspective’ was produced in collaboration with SKOR | Foundation Art and Public Space (1999–2012), an organisation which initiated, curated and developed art projects in relation to the public domain that no longer exists, realising over a thousand projects in public space in the Netherlands for over a decade. Portscapes was curated by Latitudes, culminating in a display of the projects at the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam in 2010.
- Portscapes commissions
- Portscapes exhibition at the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
- Making of '6 Hours of Tide Object with Correction of Perspective' (2009) by Jan Dibbets – part 1 here.
- Making of '6 Hours of Tide Object with Correction of Perspective' (2009) by Jan Dibbets – part 2 here.
2009, 2019, 2020, ADN Platform, film, Jan Dibbets, Land Art, latitudes, No Soul for Sale, Port of Rotterdam Authority, Portscapes, SKOR
Sun, Feb 1 2009
Production stills of
Jan Dibbets '12 Hours Tide Object with Correction of Perspective',
produced by Gerry Schum for the series 'Land Art' in 1969. Courtesy Jan
'Portscapes' is an accumulative series of artists’ projects that will take place throughout 2009 alongside the construction of ‘Maasvlakte 2’, a 2,000 hectare area of reclaimed land that will extend the Port of Rotterdam, Europe's largest seaport and industrial area. Projects of variable scales will be experienced through itineraries and destinations, comprising artist-designed tours, performances, interventions, screenings and mobile seminars, for example.
'Portscapes' will be launched during Art Rotterdam (5–8 February 2009). A prologue publication designed by Ben Laloua / Didier Pascal will be available at Portscapes' booth with contributions by Jorge Satorre, Paulien Oltheten, Maria Barnas and Erick Wesselo amongst others. Images of the publication:
Events during Art Rotterdam week include:
* Thursday 5 February: tour for press and invited guests around the port and presentations by Portscapes artists Marjolijn Dijkman and Ilana Halperin as well as Theo Tegelaers from SKOR and Latitudes.
* Sunday 8 February (weather permitting) : the inaugural project will take place with the filming of an event-sculpture by the Dutch Conceptual artist Jan Dibbets. First realised in February 1969 as part of Gerry Schum's seminal 'Land Art' series of films screened on German TV, the 2009 realisation of '12 Hours Tide Object with Correction of Perspective' will be filmed forty years later to the month on the beach of the Maasvlakte.
The artists currently developing proposals are: Lara Almarcegui, Bik van der Pol, Jan Dibbets, Marjolijn Dijkman, Fucking Good Art, Cyprien Gaillard, Ilana Halperin, Roman Keller & Christina Hemauer, Paulien Oltheten, Michael Rakowitz, Jorge Satorre, Hans Schabus and Jun Yang.
More info: www.portscapes.nl (UK/NL) and Latitudes' web.
'Portscapes' is commissioned by the Port of Rotterdam Authority advised by SKOR (Foundation for Art and Public Space, Amsterdam) and is curated by Latitudes.
Art Rotterdam (5–8 February) takes place at the Cruise Terminal in Wilheminakade 699, 3072 AP Rotterdam (MAP). Opening hours: Thursday 5 & Friday 6: 13–18h; Saturday 7 & Sunday 8: 11–19h.
2009, Ben Laloua/Didier Pascal, commissions, film, Jan Dibbets, Jorge Satorre, Paulien Oltheten, Port of Rotterdam Authority, Portscapes, public art, Publication, Rotterdam, SKOR