Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Marking 20 Years of Max Andrews as a Writer for Frieze Magazine

Reviews, opinion columns, profiles, and features here.

This month marks 20 years of Max Andrews contributing to frieze magazine. Max’s inaugural review in 2004 featured an exhibition of Danish artist Jesper Just at Midway Contemporary, written while working as a Curatorial Fellow at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. 

Over the last two decades, Max has written +60 texts exploring topics including ecologyinstitutional thinkingopen call fatigue, the history of IVAM – Spain’s pioneering Modern Art Museum – highlights for ARCOmadrid (2024, 2023, 2022, 2020 editions), or Barcelona's intricate cultural landscape, among others. 

He has reviewed art events and exhibitions in Arlès, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Bregenz, London, Madrid, Málaga, Montpellier, New York, Venice, and Zurich. He has profiled the work of Spanish-based artists such as Ibon Aranberri, David Bestué, Lúa Coderch, Dora García, Adrià Julià, Rasmus Nilausen, Miralda, Xavier Ribas, Eulàlia Rovira, Francesc Ruiz, Julia Spínola, or Teresa Solar Abboud, as well as the international practices of Maria Thereza Alves, Duncan Campbell, Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, Lucy Skaer, Nicholas Mangan or Bruno Zhu.

Max’s latest review covers Ibon Aranberri’s survey exhibition “Entresaka” at the ARTIUM Museoa – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del País Vasco in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Basque Country).

Other reviews, opinion columns, profiles, and features here.

Writing published elsewhere here.


  • Max Andrews' Valencia Feature in frieze magazine, November-December 2019, 2 November 2019
  • Max Andrews reviews in frieze: ‘A Provisional History of the Technical Image, 1844–2018’ (LUMA Foundation, Arlès) and Pere Llobera's ‘Acció’ (Bombon Projects, Barcelona) and ‘Kill Your Darlings’ (Sis Galería, Sabadell), 4 January 2019
  • Mariana Cánepa Luna reviews Frieze week 2018 for art-agenda.com, 15 October 2018
  • MaxAndrews review of Mark Bradford's inaugural exhibition “Masses and Movements” at Hauser Wirth Menorca centres on “the 1507 Waldseemüller world map, the first to depict a landmass in the far reaches of the Atlantic and to name it America.”
  • “Like the derelict buildings that pockmark Lleida’s urban fabric, Bestué’s exhibition summons a terrain that is barely held together, on the verge of becoming undone.” – Max Andrews on David Bestué exhibition at La Panera, Lleida in "The 5 Best Exhibitions in the EU Right Now", 19 May 2021 
  • Max Andrews reviews Eulàlia Rovira's solo show at etHALL where the artist pays homage to the thresholds between life and death in frieze, October 2020
  • frieze review by Max Andrews of Joachim Koester's show at the Blueproject Foundation, Barcelona 
  • October 2004 issue of frieze includes Max Andrews' review of Christopher Knowles show at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise 
  • Two texts by Max Andrews in the April 2018 issue of frieze: review of La Panace’s Crash Test (Montpellier) and Lúa Coderch’s solo show at àngels Barcelona  
  • Max Andrews on Alexandre Estrela at Museo Reina Sofia 
  • Exhibition Review of Rasmus Nilausen's show "Read the Image" at Garcia Galeria by Max Andrews in frieze 
  • Review of Lucy Skaer's 2014 solo show Glasgow Tramway by Max Andrews in frieze
  • Profile on Francesc Ruiz’s comic books, identity & homoerotic iconography by Max Andrews in frieze
  • A 2007 profile on Wilfredo Prieto by Max Andrews on frieze
  • A 2012 review by Max Andrews on the film "Arbeit (Work, 2011)" by 2014 Turner Prize winner Duncan Campbell  
  • 2006 review of Ignasi Aballí's retrospective at MACBA by Max Andrews   
  • Review of Julia Montilla’s show Fundació Miró by Max Andrews on frieze 
  • Max Andrews on Pablo Helguera's 2013 ‘Librería Donceles’ at Kent Fine Art in New York in frieze 
  • 2005 review by Max Andrews of Latitudes of Jordan Wolfson's show Kunsthalle Zurich 
  • Max Andrews on the political, social and economic factors of environmentalism in frieze magazine, 2007

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Inscripción para asistir a la performance ‘Máquina esquizofrénica’ de Joan Morey

Se abre el proceso de inscripción (¡hasta el 20 de diciembre 2018!) para asistir a ‘Máquina esquizofrénica’, una performance inédita de Joan Morey que tendrá lugar el 10 de enero de 2019 a las 19 h en una ubicación muy relevante de la ciudad de Barcelona pero que se mantiene expresamente en secreto.

Máquina esquizofrénica’ es la tercera y última parte del proyecto COLAPSO de Joan Morey y comisariado por Latitudes. La primera parte del proyecto, titulada Máquina deseante, máquina de trabajo se exhibe en el Centre d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona - Fabra i Coats. La segunda parte tiene lugar en el Centre d’Art Tecla Sala, en L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, y es la versión definitiva de la exposición itinerante ‘Cuerpo social’. Ambas pueden visitarse hasta el 13 de enero 2019.

Formulario de inscripción aquí.


Performance a puerta cerrada y de acceso restringido. Aforo limitado. La performance es exclusivamente para público adulto y, debido al entorno arquitectónico, no es apta para personas con movilidad o visibilidad reducida. El acceso a la performance está sujeto a normas de protocolo, entre ellas el código de vestimenta y la aceptación por escrito de condiciones para la asistencia. Aun habiendo recibido confirmación y cumplir de forma correcta el protocolo de asistencia indicado, el artista, el Fabra i Coats. Centre d'Art Contemporani y el Centre d'Art Tecla Sala se reservan el derecho de admisión. En la confirmación de asistencia se facilitarán todos los detalles organizativos.

+ info

Comparte: #JoanMoreyColapso

  • December 13, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" (2017) by Joan Morey 10 December 2018
  • "Joan Morey presenta "Col·lapse. Cos social", programa Taquilla Inversa, L'Hdigital Mitjans de Comunicació de L'Hospitalet, 29 Novembre 2018
  • Pía Cordero, "COL·LAPSE, o l’avenir il·limitat de l’obscenitat", www.nuvol.com, 6 Desembre 2018
  • November 29, 2018, 5–8pm: Performance reenactment of "IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO. Pròleg" (2015-16) by Joan Morey 26 November 2018
  • November 15, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión" (2010) by Joan Morey 12 November 2018
  • October 25, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "GRITOS Y SUSURROS" (2009) by Joan Morey 22 October 2018
  • October 11, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of ‘LLETANIA APÒRIMA’ [APORIC LITANY] (2009) by Joan Morey 8 October 2018
  • Performance programme in the context of Joan Morey's exhibition ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring Machine, Working Machine’ 24 September 2018
  • Maria Palau, "Contra l'abús de poder", El Punt Avui, p. 32, 23 Setembre 2018 (Catalan) 
  • Full performance programme 
  • Wakelet archive of social media content
  • NOTA DE PRENSA: ‘Joan Morey. COLAPSO’, diversos espacios, Barcelona, 20 septiembre 2018–13 enero 2019, 19 September 2018
  • Save the date: 19 September at 7pm, opening of the solo show by Joan Morey ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring machine, working machine’, Centre d'Art Contemporani Barcelona - Fabra i Coats, 3 September 2018
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Cover Story – January 2017: How open are open calls?

The January 2017 Monthly Cover Story is now up on www.lttds.org after January it will be archived here.  

"The first issue of frieze of 2017 includes “Salon Selectives”, an article by Latitudes’s Max Andrews that, with a wink to sassy 1980s hair care, asks “how open are open calls?”. The text is accompanied by this astonishing drawing from the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art by Felicien Myrbach-Rheinfeld entitled Candidates for Admission to the Paris Salon (c.1900)." Continue reading...

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage and feature past, present or forthcoming projects, research, writing, artworks, exhibitions or field trips related to our activities.  

Related content:
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Symposium participation, "The Shock of Victory", Glasgow, 25 September 2015

Symposium participants: In the Shadow of the Hand, Sacha Kahir, Caleb Waldorf, Max Andrews of Latitudes, Angeliki Roussou, WHW (What, How and For Whom?). 

9.30am | Arrival and coffee
10am - 10.15am | Introduction by CCA Curator Remco de Blaaij and Dr Deborah Jackson
10.15am - 11am | In the Shadow of the Hand
11am - 11.45am | Angelika Roussou
11.45am - 12.30pm | Caleb Waldorf
1pm - 2pm | Lunch (provided)
2pm - 2.45pm | Sacha Kahir
3pm - 3.45pm | Sabina Sabolovic, WHW
3.45pm - 4.15pm | Break
4.15pm - 5pm | Max Andrews, Latitudes

The Shock of Victory is a programme consisting of an exhibition, a symposium organised in partnership with the University of Edinburgh and digital publication. Taking place exactly one year after the Scottish Independence Referendum of 18 September 2014, the programme proposes artistic approaches, techniques, provocations and motivations in a post-referendum reality departing from Scotland, but certainly not constrained by it.

The programme takes its title from the pivotal essay ‘The Shock of Victory’ from 2007, by anarchist and scholar David Graeber, in which he argues that protesters often have difficulty in recognising their moments of success. Accompanying the exhibition the symposium allows for a timely re-consideration of the complexities of the relations between alternative and established (art) institutions that might have been sparked by political moments such as the Scottish Independence Referendum of 2014.

The underpinning emphasis is on the ‘organisational turn’, a shift from hierarchical to self-organised models of organisation. In particular the focus is on the potency of radical (artistic) practices and ideas, which propose imaginative ways of organising – collectivism, anarchism, activism, networks, and self-organising. Can we think of a new artistic landscape that might have been formed? How do we organise ourselves in such times?

 Article by Max Andrews published in Frieze, October 2013.

Max Andrews from Latitudes will offer a perspective on recent cultural politics in Barcelona. Looking in particular at visual art institutions, the 'open submission' format has become a pervasive tool. As an extraction of a democratic process, such an apparently accountable mechansim can nevertheless be complicit in a neo-liberal agenda, undermining institutional robustness and advocating continual 'present-ness'.

Other independent and self-organised realities do of course exist, and following recent municipal elections the political tide offers the promise of change. With reference to art practices that have connected with specific moments of Catalan social history, some contemporary case studies show a thinking around site, scale, longevity and depth – and perhaps reveal a connection with Scotland.

Organised in partnership with the University of Edinburgh.
Co-convened by Dr Deborah Jackson.
Funded by The University of Edinburgh’s Innovation Initiative Grant.

CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3JD, UK

Related content:

Two texts by Manuel Segade and Max Andrews analyse the current Spanish art scene 16 October 2013

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
All photos:
Latitudes | www.lttds.org (except when noted otherwise in the photo caption)
Work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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'Case Report' by Lorenzo Sandoval winner of the first NoguerasBlanchard Curatorial Open Call 2012

 View of NoguerasBlanchard space. Courtesy: NoguerasBlanchard


NoguerasBlanchard is pleased to announce that the project 'Case Report' by Lorenzo Sandoval has been selected for the 2012 Curatorial Open Call.

The application deadine ended on 31 December 2011, receiving a total of 38 proposals, of which 20 were international and 18 from Spain.

The jury (composed of Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa), Jacqueline Uhlmann, Juan Canela and Direlia Lazo) were unanimous in selecting
'Case Report'. "Lorenzo Sandoval's project promises to be a generous and curious exploration of ethnography in contemporary practice as seen through the work of a carefully selected group of artists", the jury noted. "The proposal was impressive for its synthesis of a range of artistic approaches (performance, sound, sculpture, works on paper, and film) with a methodological context drawing on rational and irrational attempts to document and interpret the world." 

Lorenzo Sandoval was born in Madrid in 1980, and has specialized in Audiovisual Studies in Fine Arts at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, for which he is currently writing his MA final thesis. Following his studies, Sandoval has been granted residencies in Berlin, Porto and Nairobi. At present he lives in Berlin, where he collaborates on a regular basis with LaTejedoraCCEC, BarraDiagonal and Projektraum of Altes Finanzamt. In Spain, he has developed projects for La Casa Encendida in Madrid or Can Felipa in Barcelona. http://lorenzosandoval.blogspot.com/

'Case Report' is scheduled to open in
NoguerasBlanchard on May 24th, 2012


NoguerasBlanchard se complace en anunciar que el proyecto 'Case Report' de Lorenzo Sandoval ha sido seleccionado ganador del 2012 Curatorial Open Call.

Se recibieron 38 propuestas de las cuales 20 fueron de origen internacional y 18 del territorio español.

El jurado (formado por
Latitudes -Max Andrews y Mariana Cánepa-, Jacqueline Uhlmann, Juan Canela y Direlia Lazo) fué unánime en su elección de 'Case Report'. "El proyecto de Lorenzo Sandoval promete ser una exploración generosa de la etnografía en la práctica artística contemporánea a través de una cuidada selección de artistas" ha escrito el jurado. "La propuesta nos impresionó por su síntesis de una amplia gama de disciplinas artísticas (performance, sonido, escultura, obra sobre papel y película) proponiendo un contexto metodológico que parte de intentos racionales e irracionales de documentar e interpretar el mundo".

Lorenzo Sandoval nació en Madrid en 1980, y se ha especializado en estudios Audiovisuales en Bellas Artes en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, donde se encuentra finalizando su tesina de Máster. Después de sus estudios, Sandoval ha recibido becas de residencia en Berlín, Oporto y Nairobi. Hoy en día vive en Berlín, donde colabora habitualmente con LaTejedoraCCEC, BarraDiagonal y Projektraum of Altes Finanzamt. En España ha desarrollado proyectos para La Casa Encendida en Madrid, y Can Felipa en Barcelona.

Está previsto que 'Case Report' se inaugure el 24 de mayo de 2012.

c/ Xuclà 7
08001 Barcelona · Spain
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NoguerasBlanchard announces "Curatorial Open Call 2012" – deadline 31 December 2011

View of the gallery space. Courtesy NoguerasBlanchard.

NoguerasBlanchard is pleased to announce a Curatorial Open Call 2012, which invites individuals or collectives to submit a proposal for curating an exhibition at NoguerasBlanchard in Barcelona. The successful proposal will take place between June and July of 2012.

For four years now NoguerasBlanchard’s exhibition program has included in the month of June an exhibition proposal by a guest curator. In order to continue this line, to expand artistic horizons and provide a platform for curatorial practice and the making of group exhibitions, we launch our Curatorial Open Call 2012.

The selected curator/s will receive a maximum of €4.000 in concept of honorarium and exhibition production budget.
NoguerasBlanchard will provide administrative and production support, design and mailing of the press release/invitation card and an opening reception. The curator/curatorial collective must be in Barcelona for the setting up and the opening evening.

Application criteria

The proposal should:
- Be thought taking in consideration NoguerasBlanchard exhibition space (see floorplan below)
- Have an international interest
- Show financial feasibility
We encourage proposals to challenge curatorial and gallery practices.

Application procedures

The decision will be made public on
NoguerasBlanchard website and by mail, before February 1st, 2012
The jury will consist of 4 curators/curatorial group that have previously carried out group shows in the gallery:
Latitudes (Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna), independent curatorial practice. Extraordinary Rendition, exhibited in 2007;
Jacqueline Uhlmann, independent curator. Shining by Absence, exhibited in 2009;
Juan Canela, independent curator. Ref 08001, exhibited in 2010;
Direlia Lazo, independent curator. Somewhere Else, exhibited in 2011.

The submission should include:

- A short biography or curriculum vitae (1 page), and contact address of the curator/s.
- An exhibition/project outline explaining the purpose and concept (600 words maximum)
- Initial list of artists and a succinct description of their practice and recent exhibitions (100 words maximum)
- Images of the works to be included with suitable captions.
- Detailed production budget that must include:
  1. Proposed curatorial fee / expenses derived from curators attendance to requested events
  2. Return transports and insurance
  3. Eventual production of new works
  4. Eventual architectural adaptation of gallery space (see map below)
Application deadline: December 31, 2011
Please submit your applications exclusively in English, in a pdf file up to 3MB, to: [email protected]

Please write ‘NoguerasBlanchard Curatorial Open Call’ in the subject line. You will receive an email confirming the reception of your proposal. For more information please contact Zaida Trallero at [email protected]

Information about NoguerasBlanchard
NoguerasBlanchard opened in June 2004 and is located next to Las Ramblas in the historic, multi-ethnic, Raval neighbourhood, in Barcelona. In this context we are strongly committed to developing an exhibition programme with emerging international artists whose work shows strong conceptual concerns and participates in the dialogue between art and broader currents in contemporary society.

The gallery's main goal is to engage in a long-term commitment with the careers of its artists and to be highly involved in the production of works. We are assisting with proposals, raising funds to produce films, biennial projects or catalogues while working in close alliance with international galleries and institutions, generating from co-productions to traveling exhibitions.
NoguerasBlanchard's participation in international fairs is essential for the promotion of our artists world-wide, while enabling us locally to maintain a lively and stimulating environment for art production and exchange.

Map of NoguerasBlanchard
c/ Xuclà 7
08001 Barcelona · Spain
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