Thu, Sep 10 2020
Foto: Ralph Herrmanns. MNAC, 1972. Archivo personal de Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent.
Actividad: Del Año Miró (1968) al inventario de la donación. Charla entre Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent y Lola Lasurt
Modera: Ángel Calvo UlloaFecha: 15 de septiembre de 2020, de 19 a 21 h. Incluye una visita guiada a la exposición de 19 a 19.30h
Reserva: Aforo limitado. Imprescindible inscripción previa en lacapella@bcn.catLugar: La Capella (c. Hospital 56, Barcelona)
Streaming en directo a partir de las 19.30h en el canal YouTube de Barcelona Cultura (duración: 1h 16min). En el marco de la exposición Juego de niños, Lola Lasurt conversa con Rosa Maria Subirana Torrent, conservadora de los Museos de la Ciudad de Barcelona durante los últimos años de dictadura y testigo de primera mano del inicio de la gestión institucional del arte contemporáneo en Cataluña.
Bajo las órdenes del consistorio barcelonés, Subirana inventarió meticulosamente los fondos de las primeras colecciones de arte contemporáneo cedidas a la ciudad y coordinó el Año Miró, en el que se inscribió la organización de la exposición retrospectiva en el recinto del antiguo Hospital de la Santa Creu en 1968, así como otras actividades, entre ellas la colocación de una placa en el pasaje del Crèdit (donde nació Miró en 1893) y el Premio Miró para niños.
Miró donó a la ciudad parte de las obras presentadas en la exposición, que fueron trasladadas al Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC) para ser inventariadas y constituir el futuro fondo del CEAC (Centro de Estudios de Arte Contemporáneo), el edificio ideado por Josep Lluís Sert que se inauguró en 1975 en Montjuïc.
(📷 ↑↓) Vistas de la exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt en La Capella. Fotos: Pep Herrero.
- Proyectos tutorizados en Barcelona Producció 2019–2020
- Cover Story—September 2020: States of emergency—Lola Lasurt’s ‘Children’s Game’, 1 Sep 2020
- Ressenya exposició – ‘Lola Lasurt i la lactància democràtica’, Clàudia Rius,, 22 juliol 2020
- Exposición ‘Juego de niños’ de Lola Lasurt, Barcelona Producció 2019-2020, 21 julio–27 septiembre 2020. 13 Jul 2020
- Video exposició, Canal Barcelona Cultura
- Jurado y tutoría de Barcelona Producció 2019–2020: Proyectos ganadores, 03 Jun 2019
- ‘Donació’ proyecto de Lola Lasurt para el Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2016 – info y fotografías
- ‘Compositions’ a programme of five artists' interventions for the second Barcelona Gallery Weekend, 29 September–2 October 2016, 20 Sep 2016
2020, Barcelona, Barcelona Producció, conversations, Curatorial Practice, Joan Miró, Jordi Ferreiro, La Capella, Lola Lasurt, public programme, tutorizado por Latitudes
Fri, Mar 18 2016
View of José Antonio Hernández-Díez's 'El resplandor de la Santa Conjunción aleja a los demonios" (1991). Installation. Lightbox, sampler, timer, flash, tripod and speakers. Collection Leonora and Jimmy Belilty. Photo: Miquel Coll, MACBA.
The exhibition ‘I will fear no evil’ presents works from the beginning of José Antonio Hernández-Díez’s career in the late 1980s and early nineties – several of which have not been seen since they were first exhibited in 1991 – in dialogue with a new series produced especially for the occasion.
The following series of events have been programmed to accompany the exhibition:
Thursday, 31 March, 7pm:
Visit with the artist and Latitudes. Exclusive to the Amic card. Limited places.
Saturday 2 April, 7pm:
Experience MACBA, The secrets of conservation in ‘I will fear no evil’ by José Antonio Hernández-Díez. Visit with the artist, Latitudes and Lluís Roqué
Museum galleries.
5 €. No booking required. Limited places.
View of Hernández-Díez's exhibition "I will fear no evil". Photo: Miquel Coll, MACBA.
Film programme:
“Shadows and silences or the ghosts that return as if for the first time”. Curated by Andrés Duque.
Meier AuditoriumAdmission: 5 €/session. Free with MACBA Amics card
Limited places
Wednesday 4 May, 7pm
‘Schastye (Happiness)’, Aleksandr Medvedkin, 1935, Russia, 95 min, b/w, silent.
Despite being released in 1935, this is a silent movie. It narrates the hapless misadventures of a peasant unable to reap a good harvest. It takes a courageous act to reconcile himself with himself and other people.
Wednesday 18 May, 7pm
‘Finis Terrae’, Jean Epstein, 1929, France, 80 min, b/w, silent.
Four labourers leave for the island of Bannec to collect the harvest. One loses his hand and the wound becomes infected, so cannot work anymore.
Wednesday 15 June, 7pm
‘He Who Gets Slapped’, Victor Sjöström, 1924, USA, 83 min, b/w, silent.
After many years of research, Paul Beaumont, a scientist and humanist, discovers a revolutionary theory, but his patron (Marc McDermott) seduces his wife (Ruth King) and takes credit for his discoveries. To add insult to injury, he slaps Beaumont before the assembled scientific community, compounding his humiliation. Ashamed, Beaumont flees and takes refuge in a circus, where he becomes a famous clown known as ‘he who gets slapped’. As fate would have it, one night his perfidious patron appears in the audience, having abandoned Beaumont’s wife and intent on marrying the beautiful Consuelo (Norma Shearer).
Wednesday 22 June, 7pm
‘Kurutta Ippēji (A Page of Madness)’, Teinosuke Kinugasa, 1926, Japan, 70 min, b/w, silent.
Kurutta Ippēji tells the story of a worker in a psychiatric hospital who begins to feel a strange affection for a patient, who was allegedly committed after murdering her own baby. But he only wants to release her, to escape with her and start a new family. The film went missing for over fifty years and was barely seen after its release. It was the director himself who discovered the negative and a copy in his archive store in 1971.
Saturday 25 June, 7pm:
Nieve Fuga: music around 'I will fear no evil'
Exhibition galleries.
€. Free with museum ticket and with MACBA Amics cards. Limited places. The ticket includes free admission to current exhibitions until 9 pm.

View of Hernández-Díez's exhibition "I will fear no evil". Photo: Miquel Coll, MACBA.
Related content:
- José Antonio Hernández-Díez, 'I will fear no evil’, Convent dels Àngels, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, 18 March–26 June 2016.
- The story behind José Antonio Hernández-Díez's 'Saint Guinefort' (1991), 29 March 2016
- Cover Story, March 2016: José Antonio Hernández-Díez: The sacred heart of the matter, 3 March 2016
- Photo documentation of the exhibition.
- Exhibition essay on José Antonio Hernández-Díez, Quaderns Portàtils #32, free-to-read pdf (Spanish & English) and epub (Spanish).
- Storify archive of tweets, Instagram posts, reviews.
- Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)
2016, event, Film programme, José Antonio Hernández-Díez, MACBA, public programme