
Longitudes cuts across Latitudes’ projects and research with news, updates, and reportage.

Latitudes's Mariana Cánepa Luna concludes her role as Secretary of the Board of Hangar

Hangar Centre de Producció i Recerca d'Arts Visuals, Barcelona

Between 2015 and 2019, Mariana Cánepa Luna of Latitudes served as Secretary and Board member of the Fundació Privada AAVC, the entity governing Hangar Centre de Producció i Recerca d'Arts Visuals in Barcelona

The members of HANGAR’s Board represent a range of professionals from the fields of contemporary visual arts and research and serve for periods of 4 years. The board usually meets twice a year in ordinary sessions and in extraordinary circumstances whenever necessary. A smaller team of Board Members, the Executive Committee, meets monthly. The members of the Board do not receive any remuneration for the performance of their duties.

Besides the responsibility of overseeing the governance of the institution, during these past four years, the (initially 17 and in the last year 9) members have been responsible for renewing two terms of the Programme Committee and in 2017 resolving the open call for a director position, selecting Lluís Nacenta as the new director of the institution for the 2018–2022 period. 

In early 2019, the board decided to exceptionally extend its mandate another year and met every month to debate and define the election process for the new board starting February 2020An initial pool of twenty-eight candidates (artists and art professionals) was put forward for consideration to the Plataforma Assambleària d'Artistes de Catalunya (PAAC). In the December 2019 assembly, PAAC members voted for nine candidates following the criteria of parity and a majority of artists. 

The newly elected board for the 2020–2024 term is Pilar Bonet, Fito Conesa, Jordi Ferreiro, Dora García, Ingrid Guardiola, Hiuwai Chu, Mafe Moscoso, Laura Llevadot and Anna Pahissa.

Kudos to each of the board colleagues for their strong sense of fellowship throughout these past four years: president Martí Anson; vice-presidents Josep Manuel Berenguer, Álex Nogueras, Sonia Fernández Pan; members Pau Alsina, Mar Arza, Roger Bernat, Luz Broto, Jorge Luis Marzo, Martina Millà, Julia Montilla, Quim Packard, Joan Maria Soler, Alicia Vela, Marc Vives, Rubèn Verdú. Extended thanks to the legal advisors of the foundation, Jaume and Guillem Nadal, and of course to the two directors of the Foundation, Tere Badia (2009–17) and Lluís Nacenta (since January 2018). 

Between June 2010 and December 2013, and together with Max Andrews, Latitudes was part of the Programme Committee alongside artists Dora García, Jordi Mitjà and Joan Vilapuig and the curator Àlex Mitrani. This group was responsible for selecting applicants via open calls for production grants and residencies abroad, as well as in the selection of foreign artists to come to Hangar, and ultimately, followed up the artist's work during their long or short-term residencies.


  • Visita de la Comisión de Programas de Hangar a los estudios de los artistas residentes 24 April 2013
  • Performance 'The Museum of Incest' de Simon Fujiwara, 19 Septiembre, 19h en Hangar 15 Septiembre 2009

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Documentación de la exposición ‘COLAPSO. Máquina célibe’ de Joan Morey en el Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca

La exposición individual ‘COLAPSO. Máquina célibe’ de Joan Morey que puede verse en el Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, hasta el 3 de mayo 2020. Fotos: Latitudes.
Panel introductorio de la exposición y créditos, abajo panel y cartelas del programa de audio.

COLAPSO. Máquina célibe’ es la primera retrospectiva de Joan Morey (Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, 1972) en su Mallorca natal. Consiste en una revisión de seis grandes proyectos, cuya documentación y otros objetos se expone junto con ocho piezas sonoras. Las doce majestuosas salas dieciochescas de la planta noble y el patio columnado del Casal Solleric acogen este conjunto de materiales, voces y cuerpos que, con su colapso, ofrecen una panorámica de los últimos diez años de la carrera artística de Morey. 

La exposición es una adaptación de ‘COLAPSO’, un proyecto en tres partes que tuvo lugar simultáneamente en el Centre d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona - Fabra i Coats, el Centro de Arte Tecla Sala de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat y la antigua cárcel Modelo de Barcelona entre 2018 y 2019.

 Entrada a la exposición en la planta noble. Acceso a la exposición en orden cronológico.

Entrada al proyecto COS SOCIAL en la planta noble. Acceso a la exposición por orden cronológico inverso.

Poster del proyecto ‘COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017).

Performance para pantalla ‘COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017). 

(Arriba y abajo) Sección dedicada a ‘COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017). Al fondo sala dedicada a ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017).

Sección dedicada a ‘COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017).

En la sala vermella (sala roja) se exhibe la mesa de disección utilizada en la película ‘COS SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017) y la vestimenta de la única actriz.

La muestra de este nuevo capítulo, ‘COLAPSO. Máquina célibe’, se organiza en torno a vitrinas y pantallas de vídeo dispuestas a modo de sarcófagos o relicarios. Ocupa un lugar destacado la performance para la pantalla ‘CUERPO SOCIAL. Lección de anatomía’ (2017), así como una selección de cinco proyectos anteriores, producidos entre 2007 y 2017 y desarrollados mediante el lenguaje artístico de la performance. Además, el patio del Casal Solleric alberga un programa continuado de obras de audio: grabaciones de lecturas realizadas en vivo en el marco de performances o bien utilizadas como bandas sonoras de exposiciones previas.

Inicio cronológico de la muestra: sala dedicada al proyecto ‘POSTMORTEM. Projet en sept tableaux’ (2006–7).

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘POSTMORTEM. Projet en sept tableaux’ (2006–7) y conexión a la derecha con la sala dedicada a ‘OBEY. Humillados y ofendidos’ (2007–9).
Sala dedicada a ‘OBEY. Humillados y ofendidos’ (2007–9).
Detalle de los contenidos presentados en la vitrina del proyecto ‘OBEY. Humillados y ofendidos’ (2007–9).

Sala dedicada a ‘GRITOS Y SUSURROS. Converses amb els radicals’ (2009) y al fondo proyección del mismo proyecto (abajo).

Video proyeccion del proyecto ‘OBEY. Humillados y ofendidos’ (2007–9). 

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO’ (2015).

Detalle de la vitrina del proyecto ‘IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO’ (2015).

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017). 

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017).

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017). 

Contenidos de una de las dos vitrinas dedicadas a ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017).

Video teaser del proyecto ‘TOUR DE FORCE’ (2017).

Sala dedicada al proyecto ‘COS SOCIAL’ (2017).

  • Documentación fotográfica de COLAPSO;
  • Archivo Wakelet redes sociales;
  • Joan Morey awarded the Botín Foundation's International Visual Arts Grant, 22 July 2019
  • Profile – ‘Joan Morey’, THE SEEN—Chicago’s International Journal of Contemporary & Modern Art, Issue #8, April 2019, pp 100–113. 
  • Exposición de Joan Morey ‘COLAPSO. Máquina célibe’ en el Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca, 31 enero–3 mayo 2020, 15 January 2019 
  • Performance ‘COLLAPSE. Schizophrenic Machine’ at the former prison La Model, Barcelona 21 January 2019
  • Selección de reseñas, videos y entrevistas (31 Diciembre 2018)
  • December 13, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "TOUR DE FORCE. El cos utòpic" (2017) by Joan Morey 10 December 2018
  • Pía Cordero, "COL·LAPSE, o l’avenir il·limitat de l’obscenitat", www.nuvol.com, 6 Desembre 2018
  • November 29, 2018, 5–8pm: Performance reenactment of "IL LINGUAGGIO DEL CORPO. Pròleg" (2015-16) by Joan Morey 26 November 2018
  • November 15, 2018, 7 pm: Performance reenactment of "BAREBACK. Fenomenología de la comunión" (2010) by Joan Morey 12 November 2018
  • October 25, 7pm: Performance reenactment of "GRITOS Y SUSURROS" (2009) by Joan Morey 22 October 2018
  • October 11, 2018, 7pm: Performance reenactment of ‘LLETANIA APÒRIMA’ [APORIC LITANY] (2009) by Joan Morey 8 October 2018
  • Performance programme in the context of Joan Morey's exhibition ‘COLLAPSE. Desiring Machine, Working Machine’ 24 September 2018
  • Maria Palau, "Contra l'abús de poder", El Punt Avui, p. 32, 23 Setembre 2018 (Catalan)
  • NOTA DE PRENSA: ‘Joan Morey. COLAPSO’, diversos espacios, Barcelona, 20 septiembre 2018–13 enero 2019, 19 September 2018
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Reduce Art Flights website refreshed


The Reduce Art Flights website has had a long-overdue refresh (the first version is from 2008 and originally at reduceartflights.com): it now features a new exhibition history, bibliography and a transcription of the interview with RAF's instigator, the late artist Gustav Metzger (1926–2017).

RAF / Reduce Art Flights is a campaign which upholds that the art world—artists, curators, critics, gallerists, collectors, museum directors, etc.—could or should diminish its use of aeroplanes.

“...it’s a nudge in the ribs as it were to remind people there is a problem and let’s talk about this problem of endless flights here and there. What particularly annoyed me originally was the statement by the organisers of the [2006] Basel art fair that when it comes to taking the fair to Miami, which was planned, everybody could get a 50% reduction on the aeroplane flight. I thought that is just over the top, pumping up the possibility of aeroplane use. So for me, this has very much to do with a rejection of mass transport through the air of course, and through cars and buses, and also a criticism of the art world where everything is out for maximizing everything and in every direction.” — Gustav Metzger

The site is maintained by Latitudes as a resource for the initiative and as a location for future elaborations of its aims.

The website in 2008.
Pages of the exhibition catalogue ‘Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities’, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, edited by Latitudes & Ilaria Bonacossa, published by The Bookmakers Ed., Turin, 2008, ISBN: 978-88-95702-01-8.

  • 'THE LAST MONITOR' AVAILABLE NOW! #5 issue of the 10 Latitudes-edited newspapers for 'The Last Newspaper' exhibition, New Museum 30 October 2010 
  • Reduce Art Flights leafleting campaign by Gustav Metzger at the Serpentine Gallery, London 21 October 2009
  • Gustav Metzger's RAF / Reduce Art Flights campaign initiative changes URL to www.reduceartflights.lttds.org 28 January 2009
  • “Greenwashing update: RAF / Reduce Art Flights. Gustav Metzger interview”, Latitudes blog post, 6 March 2008 
  • Exhibition ‘Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities’, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, 2008. 
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Cover Story—February 2020: Carioca Incidents

Latitudes' homepage www.lttds.org

The February 2020 monthly Cover Story ‘Carioca Incidents’ homepage: www.lttds.org 

“My idea is to take a stroll around the natural wonders of the city, its colonial past, imperial Brazil … and end on the beach.” Artist Daniel Steegmann Mangrané’s succinct recipe for the latest instalment of Incidents (of Travel), narrated by curator Catalina Lozano, led to a startlingly heady stew of a day in and around Rio de Janeiro.”

→ Continue reading
→ After
February 2020, this story will be archived here

Cover Stories' are published on a monthly basis on Latitudes' homepage featuring past, present or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects or field trips related to our curatorial activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories
  • Cover Story—January 2020: Safeguarding Gestures 2 January 2020
  • Cover Story—December 2019: Cover Story—December 2019: Curating in the Web of Life 3 December
  • Cover Story—November 2019: ‘Fighting fires in Valencia: the 30-year story of the IVAM’ 1 November 2019
  • Cover Story—October 2019: Mercedes Azpilicueta in Helsinki 1 October 2019
  • Cover Story—September 2019: ‘Polperro to Detroit’ 4 September 2019
  • Cover Story—Summer 2019: Francesc Ruiz’s Brexit Bristol sequel, ten years ago 1 July 2019
  • Cover Story—June 2019: Thinking like a drainage basin: Lara Almarcegui’s ‘Concrete’ 1 June 2019
  • Cover Story—May 2019: Buenos Aires in Parallel 1 May 2019
  • Cover Story—March-April 2019: "Icelandic refraction" 3 March 2019
  • Cover Story—February 2019: Schizophrenic Machine (1 February 2019)
  • Cover Story—January 2019: “Seesaw” (7 January 2019)
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