Longitudes recorre los proyectos e investigaciones de Latitudes con noticias, actualizaciones y reportajes.

Cover Story, January 2024: Curating Lab 2014–Curatorial Intensive

   January 2024 cover story on www.lttds.org

The January 2024 monthly Cover Story “Curating Lab 2014 – Curatorial Intensive” is now up on our homepage: www.lttds.org

“As we start 2024, for one reason or another we find ourselves pausing to reminisce about Curating Lab 2014–Curatorial Intensive, which took place in June 2014, and which was organised by NUS Museum, Singapore, with support from the National Arts Council of Singapore. ” → Continue reading (after January 2024  this story will be archived here).

Cover Stories are published monthly on Latitudes’ homepage featuring past, present, or forthcoming projects, research, texts, artworks, exhibitions, films, objects, or field trips related to our curatorial projects and activities.


  • Archive of Monthly Cover Stories 
  • Cover Story, December 2023: Ibon Aranberri, Partial View
  •  Sat, 2 Dec 2023 
  • Cover Story, November 2023: Surucuá, Teque-teque, Arara: Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, 2 Nov 2023
  • Cover Story, October 2023: A tree felled, a tree cut in 7, 2 October 2023
  • Cover Story, September 2023: The Pilgrim in Ireland, 6 September 2023
  • Cover Story, July–August 2023: Honeymoon in Valencia, 1 July 2023
  • Cover Story, June 2023: Crystal Bennes futures, 1 Jun 2023
  • Cover Story, May 2023: Ruth Clinton & Niamh Moriarty in Barcelona, 1 May 2023
  • Cover Story, April 2023: Jerónimo Hagerman (1967–2023), 1 Apr 2023
  • Cover Story, March 2023: Art, Climate and New Coalitions, 1 March 2023
  • Cover Story, February 2023: Soil for Future Art Histories, 2 Feb 2023
  • Cover Story, January 2023: Claudia Pagès’ ‘Gerundi Circular’, 2 Jan 2023
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PUBLICS' Library in Helsinki incorporates Latitudes-edited back catalogue of publications

We are glad to announce that PUBLICS in Helsinki now has all of Latitudes publications available for consultation in their library (with the exception of the monograph "Lara Almarcegui, Projects 1995–2010" which is out of print). Our first publication, "LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook" (RSA/Arts Council England, 2006, also out of print), was already available in their library

PUBLICS library is the third location where the whole back catalogue of Latitudes' publications resides, together with the Library of the MACBA Study Centre, Barcelona, and the Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives, The Banff Centre, Canada.

We also donated a few books we have contributed to with essays or interviews, such as "Antoni Hervàs. ‘The Mystery of Cabiria" (Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2016), "C-H-R-I-S-T-O-P-H-E-R-K-N-O-W-L-E-S SO LISTEN UP" (NoguerasBlanchard, 2017), Rasmus Nilausen, ‘Soups & Symptoms, Paintings 2011–2016’ (Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2016) and "Lara Almarcegui. Béton" (SilvanaEditoriale, 2019).

PUBLICS library is located at Sturenkatu 37-41 4b 00550 Helsinki.

Latitudes' publications available at PUBLICS Library (bibliography online):

Joan Morey: COLLAPSE
Various locations, Barcelona
September 2018–January 2019
Exhibition guide/programme guide, opuscule, poster

4.543 billion. The matter of matter
CAPC musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux
June 2017–January 2018
Exhibition guide & symposium guide

Catalogue of the exhibition series, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León
April 2012

United Alternative Energies
Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller
Catalogue of the exhibition, Aarhus Art Building, Centre for Contemporary Art, Århus
January 2012

Catalogue of the project, Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona
July 2011

Also available online.

Catalogue of the commission series and exhibition 'Portscapes', Port of Rotterdam / Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
February 2010

Martí Anson, Mataró Chauffeur Service
Catalogue of the project, 'No Soul For Sale', Tate Modern, London
January 2011

The Last Newspaper
Catalogue of the exhibition 'The Last Newspaper', New Museum, New York
October–December 2010

Lawrence Weiner: THE CREST OF A WAVE
Booklet of the exhibition, Fundació Suñol, Barcelona
October 2008

Simon Fujiwara: The Incest Museum–A Guide
Artist book, 'Provenances', Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporaneo, Naples
May 2009

Ignasi Aballí: 没有,有 Nothing, or Something
Catalogue of the exhibition, Suitcase Art Projects, Beijing
July 2009

Ecology, Luxury & Degradation
UOVO #14
Summer 2007

Greenwashing. Ambiente: Pericoli, Promesse e Perplessità 

(Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities)
Catalogue of the exhibition, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
February 2008


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Latitudes publications acquired by the Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives, The Banff Centre

The Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives is on the second floor of the Kinnear Centre building at The Banff Centre.
Views from the Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives.

We are delighted that a large selection of Latitudes'-edited publications is now available for public consultation at the Paul D. Fleck Library and Archives in The Banff Centre, Banff, Canada. Banff becomes the second location to host the set of Latitudes’s publications, which are also available for reference at the Library of the MACBA Study Centre, Barcelona.

Latitudes publications and others from the reading list of the 'Blueprint for Happiness' Thematic Residency, featured shelf at the Banff Library.

The following publications can be found in Banff's library online catalogue:

Catalogue of the exhibition series, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León
April 2012

United Alternative Energies
Christina Hemauer & Roman Keller
Catalogue of the exhibition, Aarhus Art Building, Centre for Contemporary Art, Århus
January 2012

Catalogue of the project, Espai Cultural Caja Madrid, Barcelona
July 2011

Martí Anson, Mataró Chauffeur Service
Catalogue of the project, 'No Soul For Sale', Tate Modern, London
January 2011

Catalogue of the commission series and exhibition 'Portscapes', Port of Rotterdam / Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
February 2010

The Last Newspaper
Catalogue of the exhibition 'The Last Newspaper', New Museum, New York
October–December 2010

Simon Fujiwara: The Incest Museum–A Guide
Artist book published in the context of the exhibition 'Provenances', Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporaneo, Naples
May 2009

Ignasi Aballí: 没有,有 Nothing, or Something
Catalogue of the exhibition, Suitcase Art Projects, Beijing
July 2009

Greenwashing. Ambiente: Pericoli, Promesse e Perplessità (Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities)
Catalogue of the exhibition, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
February 2008

Lawrence Weiner: THE CREST OF A WAVE
Booklet of the exhibition, Fundació Suñol, Barcelona
October 2008

Ecology, Luxury & Degradation
UOVO #14
Summer 2007

LAND, ART: A Cultural Ecology Handbook

RSA and Arts Council England
December 2006

Book shelves at the Paul D. Fleck Library & Archives.


Where to find the publications edited by Latitudes? 22 April 2012

This is the blog of the independent curatorial office Latitudes. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
All photos:
Latitudes | www.lttds.org 

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"Archive as Method: An Interview with Chantal Wong, Hammad Nasar and Lydia Ngai" of the Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong. Final #OpenCurating interview.

"Archive as Method: An interview with Chantal Wong, Hammad Nasar and Lydia Ngai" of the Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong, is available on ISSUU to view on screen and is also downloadable. Also available as a pdf on Latitudes' web. 

…And last, but certainly not least, our #OpenCurating research concludes with an interview with three members of the amazing Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong.

Asia Art Archive (AAA) was founded in 2000 with the mission of documenting, securing and making easily available information on the history of contemporary art in Asia within an international context. Based in the Sheung Wan district of Hong Kong, the non-profit organisation holds hundreds of thousands of physical and digital items. AAA aims to stimulate dialogue and critical thinking about how the region’s art histories are told and to “facilitate understanding, research, and writing in the field, enrich existing global narratives, and re-imagine the role of the archive”. Through its website – aaa.org.hkAAA offers access to a wealth of digital material including scanned images, correspondence, artists’ personal documents, audio and video of performance art, artist talks, lectures, and events. A broad range of initiatives including the journal Field Notes, research grants, residencies, symposia, exhibitions and teaching workshops address the core of AAA’s commitment “to create a collection belonging to the public, existing not in an enclosed space, but in a space that is open and productive, generating new ideas and works that continually reshape the Archive itself”.



What "old rules" about art programming, production and distribution has the internet broken? What challenges, expectations, and new possibilities does digital culture and social media present to contemporary art institutions? To what degree are curators, media teams, publishers and archivists concerned with a dialogue with their audiences? #OpenCurating has investigated these questions through how new forms of culture, participation and connectivity are being developed both on site and on line.

The research was structured around three elements. Ten new interviews were produced and published as free digital editions as well as via Issuu; a Twitter thread was moderated around the hashtag #OpenCurating; and a public conversation (transcribed as interview #7) between Latitudes and Yasmil Raymond, Curator of Dia Art Foundation, New York, was held on 19 February 2013 at the Auditorium of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA).

#OpenCurating was a research project by Latitudes produced through La Capella. BCN Producció 2012 of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

Content partners: Walker Art Center

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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'Primera necesidad: ¡libros!' librería temporal en RMS, El Espacio, Madrid

Foto: Maria Nieto

Primera necesidad: ¡libros!

Comisariado: The Office (Maribel López) + RMS, La Asociación
2 abril – 8 julio
sábado, 2 de abril, 12–15h.

Primera necesidad: ¡libros! es una librería temporal en la que tienen cabida proyectos editoriales vinculados al arte contemporáneo que por diversos motivos no se encuentran fácilmente en Madrid. Se presenta una selección de libros de editoriales independientes que plantean propuestas que buscan en el medio impreso otras estrategias y modos de hacer y juegan un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de la creación actual.

Editoriales y autopublicaciones incluidas: Afterall (Londres); Archive Books/Archive Journal (Berlín); Argobooks (Berlín); Nadia Barkate (Bilbao); Belleza Infinita (Bilbao); Bookworks (Londres); Braço de Ferro (Lisboa); Casco Projects (Utrech, Países Bajos); Coop (San Sebastián); Crani (Lladó, España); Cru (Figueras, España); Editions Matière (París); Entreascuas Editores (Madrid); Impress (Londres/Barcelona); Jap Sam Books (Heininjen, Países Bajos); Julia Montilla (Barcelona); Joan Morey (Barcelona); Kaleidoscope (Milán); La Más Bella (Madrid); Mathieu Copeland (Londres/París); Mousse Publishing (Milán); Carme Nogueira (Vigo, España); Paraguay Press (París); Peep-Hole (Milán); Pork Salad Press (Copenhague); Save As ...Publications (Barcelona); Script (Buenos Aires/Madrid); Sternberg Press (Nueva York/Berlín); UHF (Madrid), entre otras. (+ info...)

Bajo el título de 'Bibliofilia', críticos, comisarios o artistas, ofrecerán semanalmente una selección de libros. Colaboran: Javier Díaz Guardiola, Javier Duero, Bea Espejo, Javier Hontoria, Latitudes, Pablo Martínez, Momu & No Es, Agustín Pérez Rubio, Gloria Picazo, Manuel Segade (Bibliofilia #1, 2-8 Abril), Iker Seisdedos, Julia Spínola y Virginia Torrente.

Latitudes contribuirá a 'Bibliofilia' en su tercera semana (25–29 Abril 2011) añadiendo a la lista de publicaciones los doce volúmenes producidos por la Editorial Alias, el proyecto editorial del artista mexicano Damián Ortega.

Foto: Cortesía RMS La Asociación.

Alias es una editorial independiente sin fines de lucro, que "tiene el propósito de difundir la obra y el pensamiento de autores particularmente significativos para el arte contemporáneo. Creaciones que, por razones y circunstancias difíciles de enumerar en este espacio, no han sido traducidas, impresas y difundidas en habla hispana; o bien, cuyas ediciones anteriores están descontinuadas o nunca han sido distribuidas en México." Entre sus publicaciones se encuentran 'Conversando con Marcel Duchamp', de Pierre Cabanne (2006); 'Mi libro es su libro. Selección de textos y obras traducidas', de Lawrence Weiner (2008); 'Rock, mi religión', de Dan Graham (2008); 'Robert Smithson. Selección de escritos', de Robert Smithson (2009) y 'Una página de chistes', de Ad Reinhardt (2010), entre otros.

Primera necesidad: ¡libros! ha sido organizada con motivo de Jugada a 3 bandas, una iniciativa que pretende dinamizar la escena del arte emergente madrileño en la que participan 14 galerías, 16 comisarios y 50 artistas.

Inauguración Jugada a 3 bandas: Sábado 2 Abril, 12-20:30h, varios espacios y galerías de Madrid. http://www.a3bandas.org

RMS, El Espacio
c/ Antonio Pirala 17, 28017 Madrid Ver mapa

T: +34 91 524 02 19Martes-Viernes 16:30 a 20:30h.
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Latitudes publications available for consultation in MACBA's Library

MACBA's Library now has a complete set of Latitudes' publications and exhibition catalogues available for consultation, these include: Portscapes (2009-10), Nothing or Something (2009), No Soul for Sale (2010), The Last Newspaper (2010) and United Alternative Energies (2011).

These complete the already included publications such as the exhibition catalogue 'Greenwashing. Environment: Perils, Promises and Perplexities' (2008), the publication 'Land, Art: A Cultural Ecology Handbook' (2006) and Lawrence Weiner's small booklet and public pieces in the form of sugar packets (2008).

Biblioteca del MACBA
Plaça dels Àngels, 8
08001 Barcelona
T: +34 93 481 33 66
F: +34 93 412 46 02

Monday-Thursday, 10am-7pm
Bank holidays, closed
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